Thursday, September 16, 2010

Is there anyone out there that actually likes grocery shopping? Honestly, where is the enjoyment in that? Yesterday was payday, so off I went. Stores were crowded, items were bought before I could get to them, and the lines were long. YUCK! Once good thing is, Good was able to practice his math in the produce department. Ahh, the joys of weighing fruit and rounding up the price, just to see how much will cost. He had fun. Prices and BunnyBop tried to help, but they just kept throwing numbers out at him. By the end of the produce department, he was slightly frustrated with them. Do you have any idea how hard it is to count in your head when someone keeps saying different numbers?

It felt good to get home. The grocery store is about 30 minutes from my house, so I actually get to relax a bit in the car as I drive home, before I have to hull the groceries up the stairs. Now, it’s all put away, and my freezer, pantry, and cupboards are stocked! And I saved $14.30 with coupons!

Today, we are going to be making up for things not done yesterday. Another reason I hate grocery shopping is that it throws my whole week of chores and school off. So, today we will make some of that up. Mr. Charming has to work for a bit on Saturday, so I can use that time to finish up whatever isn’t done. I actually have daily and weekly checklists that I make myself go through. Otherwise, I just go in circles and nothing ever gets done. It’s very frustrating!

Well, hi ho, it’s off to laundry I go.

Have a good day!

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