Ok….about 10 minutes until my day will official begins. Meaning about 10 minutes until I have to start chores with the kids. Dang, shoulda gotten a shower earlier…Oh well. Anyway, 10 minutes to…well, blog? So, 10 minutes and I get writers block. Really? Come ON!
Ok, block gone. Wanted to share about a Bible Study I’m doing. “A Mom After God’s Own Heart” By Elizabeth George. I love the books of hers I have read. Well, the parts of the books of hers that I have read. I never seem to actually get through them all, probably because they start convicting me of something! The chapter I am reading now talks about how we, through our attitudes and actions, show God to our children, and how what we do reflects on God. Ouch! So, every breath I take is teaching my children how to view God. No wonder people always have a messed up version of our Heavenly Father. I mean, come on, when was the last time God told you “Just a minute, I’m doing something?” When was the last time you watched God get frustrated because the house wasn’t clean? Honestly, I don’t think He does. God’s always there, ready to listen to you. You can praise, ask, talk, or even complain, and God will listen. He never tells us that He’s too busy because he’s “got stuff that HAS to get done.” And I am supposed to show that to my children. Seems overwhelming, doesn’t it? We, as sinful beings, are supposed to show our Perfect God to our children. Tall order huh?
I will admit, I am guilty of getting in the mode of: I gotta clean, I gotta do laundry, I gotta….you get the point. And yes, all these things have to be done. But our children should come first. Whether it’s because they need to talk, or need to be talked too, or just need a nap. They come first, always. I pray that God will show me and work with me on that, because all too often, I let the “gotta do’s” get in the way of “need to do’s”
If you don’t think your children mimic you in what they see, here’s a quick story from my life. This weekend, I was working on cleaning out my linen closet. I was standing there looking at the best way to go about this with my hand on my hip. BunnyBop comes up to stand next to me. I glanced down to see what she was doing, and sure enough, she was standing there with her hand on her hip, looking at the closet. They only difference is she had pumpkin bread in her other hand. She was promptly sent back to the table where she could eat without crumbs getting from one end of the house to the other. But that little act of hers made me realize, once again, that my children will do what they see. May God grant me the wisdom and the ability to mimic Him, so that they will follow my footsteps.
Ok…five minutes….
Have an awesome day everyone!
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